I agree that it is iniquitous and unreasonable to force people to undergo 'training' to get/retain their jobs. Though I have no doubt that the majority of people running things in Britain today think it's perfectly reasonable and would extend compulsion much further, including into private life - they believe that individuals are effectively owned by the state, and as we saw during the Covid insanity, there are hardly any lengths they will not consider going to to enforce what they see as 'benign' despotism. My suggestion is that state interference in this area should be completely removed and that restaurants and pubs should create their own voluntary scheme, whereby they can encourage staff to undergo sensible and relevant training; on attaining various standards they could display ratings prominently at their establishments. People would naturally tend to patronise those establishments with higher ratings, so the system would be self-sustaining. A bit like the 'review' systems you get on online hotel and travel booking sites these days.

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Are you planning on opening a restaurant?

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Afraid not.

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