The tobacco ban is a grave wrong against the young and unborn of Britain. Individuals should be free to enjoy cigarettes, or, make the mistake of taking up the habit. Not permitting the freedom to make bad choices is simply a runaway train to greater and greater state control over our lives, ensuring adults are treated as if they are children. What is next, rationing junk food, requiring exercise and the state telling people what job is best for them? No liberal society can tolerate such outright paternalism, and, hence, the gradual ban on cigarettes must be opposed. Let the following reasoning persuade you to this conclusion.
Although it may be admitted many experiences in life are objectively valuable, surely, it must be conceded, many are subjectively valuable alone. Whether an individual chooses to eat lots of cake, climb the sides of mountains, or, ride a motorcycle into work, is entirely a matter of personal taste. Arguing the risk of any of these activities outweigh the benefits simply does not make sense, because, there are no scales, except those in the mind of the individual, on which to make such a verdict. Thus, if an informed individual arrives at the decision an experience is good for him, in these sorts of areas, his judgement is final. Hence, banning any of these activities makes him worse off. This is good reason to oppose such intervention.
In banning smoking for young people, the government will make many of them worse off, hence, there is good reason to oppose such intervention. The ban denies lifestyle pluralism. I suspect some readers will oppose this logic for three reasons, i.e., smokers are not well informed, smokers do not really want to smoke, and, smoking, unlike the former activities, is objectively bad. Let us take each of these in their turn, and, in so doing, show how none of them ultimately support the banning of cigarettes for adults. Smokers are informed of the dangers of their choice, indeed, with plain packaging and the constant warnings of lung cancer it would be hard for them not to be. Regardless, restricting the freedom of the informed to smoke because the uninformed are too lazy to spend ten minutes on Google is wrong, just as it would be wrong to ban drain cleaner because some drink it due to being too lazy to read the label despite the vast majority acting responsibly.
No doubt many soon to be smokers will really wish to quit: Their lower self instead of their higher self will govern their behaviour. Nonetheless, today 16.3% of smokers still wish to carry on the habit and 38.3% do not know whether they intend to quit or not (and much of the desire to quit is motivated by the high cost of smoking due to tobacco taxes). And no doubt these two groups would still emerge among potential smokers too. Why should their freedom be restricted to serve the higher selves of the rest. Are the latter group more important than the former group? I don’t think so. Just as it would be wrong for state officials to ban the dessert buffet in a hotel because the majority of patrons do not want to eat dessert to lose weight, but could not control themselves, depriving those who really do want dessert of it; by the same reasoning, it is wrong for state officials to ban cigarettes because the majority of the young do not want to smoke them, but cannot control themselves, depriving those who really do want cigarettes of them.
Nevertheless, I suspect the real argument for gradually banning cigarettes is the belief smoking is objectively bad for all users. This is seriously implausible. If I value the pleasure of smoke filling my lungs, the social scene of smoking, and, the relaxing nature of puffing away over the increased chance of premature death, who is anyone to say I am wrong. And who are the politicians to make these decisions for the young people of today, who will be the adults of tomorrow. Certainly, no one believes longevity or reducing the risk of cancer are objective values which must never be exchanged for pleasure, as demonstrated by the fact we cross the road and eat bacon. For the remainder of this endeavour though let us grant the paternalists the ethical assumption smoking is objectively bad.
The ban on cigarettes violates individual rights and for this reason should be opposed outright. As each of us as the right to imprudently act, e.g., by regularly overeating, failing to exercise, not revising for exams, or, declining to do tasks which really need to be done, analogously, each of us has the right to imprudently act by smoking cigarettes too. As Ludwig von Mises once wrote: ‘Freedom really means the freedom to make mistakes.’ And what is next if individuals are not granted the freedom to make mistakes? The end of paternalism is forcing us into jobs we would most enjoy, requiring us to exercise, rationing junk food, and, mandating so much socialising per week. All of these interventions may be for our own good, and, although the state may struggle to issue prudential directives due to a lack of information, this administrative barrier cannot really be what is protecting our freedom. We are free by right.
At this point a number of readers will say smokers are not truly free because they are addicted. Indeed, the health minister, Victoria Atkins, has said: ‘There is no liberty in addiction’. The evidence smoking can be given up is overwhelming though; 69% of those who have ever smoked have now given up according to the Office for National Statistics. Smokers clearly have free will concerning quitting. Perhaps eliminating addiction is viewed as intrinsically valuable; an aim which would admittedly support banning tobacco. All sorts of things are addictive though, such as sugar, alcohol, fast food and coffee too. The NHS webpage on addiction even states people can get addicted to the internet, shopping and work. Following through on banning addiction would implausibly require banning all these things, or, at least banning them for the addicted. Plus, it would require banning good addictions too, such as to exercise, the study of the universe or socialising.
The commercial rights of the tobacco industry will be violated by this ban too: This is wrong. As bookmakers, distillers and pornographers are allowed to sell their products, even though their sales may be bad for many of their consumers, analogously, tobacconists should be allowed to sell their products too. None of us would accept the state forcing out a professional racer who always wins Formular One, even if it made races better for most viewers, so, neither should we accept the state forcing the 6,000 people working in the tobacco industry out of their chosen employment either even if it will benefit most soon to be smokers.
The case against the wretched paternalism of banning cigarettes has now been made. Nonetheless, there remains the argument smokers cost the taxpayer money, and, hence, to stop the public from picking up the tab of smokers, the government should ban smoking. (If this is the argument though why not ban all smoking now) The issue with this argument is smokers do not cost the state money on a net analysis. As Christopher Snowden and Mark Tovey from the Institute of Economic Affairs have found smokers cost about £5bn for healthcare and litter costs, but save the state about £10bn by dying early, meaning, pensions and healthcare costs are not incurred, and, this is in addition to paying about £9bn in tobacco taxes into the Exchequer as well. Instead of demonising smokers, or, soon to be smokers, for costing the public money, they could actually be praised for their contribution.
Against this evidence Sunak has claimed: ‘Smoking places huge pressures on the NHS and costs our country £17 billion a year.’ The issue with this £17bn figure is it includes lost productivity to the tune of £12bn, which is actually borne by smokers themselves, either in lower wages, or, to a greater extent, in them simply being dead and not earning anything at all. This £12bn is not a cost to society as it was never entitled to the income of smokers to begin with, hence, just as when people retire early, we do not claim they cost society, neither do smokers who die early cost society either.
Banning tobacco is a grave wrong which must be opposed. A few young people will be deprived of the pleasure of smoking, who would never acquire the intention to give up, and, will only be made worse off by the ban as a result. And those who wish to smoke, even if they do so imprudently, should still have the freedom to do so. Accepting the paternalism which maintains we must have no freedom to make bad choices is the runaway train to requiring us to exercise, rationing our junk food and forcing us into the jobs which are best for us. No. Freedom must stand: The generational ban on tobacco must be opposed.
It is a grave wrong and I am opposing it by doing my best! The decisions that belong to me or anyone else should not be stolen from us by the power of the state. In legislating unconstitutional counter-smoking legislation, our elected representatives are abusing the power that has been entrusted to them by the electorate to turn it against us and punish us when it is not our fault and we are not responsible for anything, like smoking indoors and buying cigarettes from an adult with legal responsibility, who has every right to do so. The decision belongs to me, or to my next neighbouring person, but that way the decision gets stolen by the state, the health minister and the parliament. This has got to stop and a limit be put in place that is called the state constitution, the Magna Carta from 1215, which says that, "No free man [citizen who may also smoke] shall be seized or imprisoned or stripped of his rights or possessions [his or her right to smoke or the fine imposed], or deprived of his standing in any way [what anti-smokers do to smokers], nor will we proceed with force against him [the threat of the antismoking law and its exchange], or send others to do so [the Police who charge fines for smoking], except by the lawful judgement of his equals [the dissemination of what is fair and what is not], or by the law of the land [which had not passed through parliament if it is so before all of the above took place].". Just like we are subject to following the law that has been elected by society with the use of the parliament, the politicians who control this are subject to the constitution and its compliance. There is a limit on what can be decided by them and on what can be voted for the rest by the parliament. Our decisions cannot be stolen from us by politicians and the parliament and arbitrary requirements that do not form social rules should not be voted into law. It is them violating the state constitution who should pay for doing so, not the rest of society for smoking indoors who don't owe anything else to pay because they are not guilty but innocent of their actions, and punishments should only be directed against guilt and not be applied to innocence. That's that. They should know.
You are very right, I couldn’t agree more. What a disgrace to condemn the people of Britain, young people and those who have not yet been born, to anything of the like. Not being entitled to buy tobacco until you die was what was happening exactly when you were growing up and it should not accompany you until you die, because no one wants to die anyway. It is a form of condemnation of the people and the young people of our country which should not take place and not even be discussed either. What should happen instead is the age requirement to buy tobacco can be be increased by a constant to 21, and it should be a constant anyway, and this should be discussed instead, because the purpose of its existence is to prevent and deter underage smoking and punish the sale of tobacco to young teenagers and children, which is what it is expected to do, and should be kept to remain the same way. The reason there is an age requirement to buy tobacco is to prevent and deter young teenagers and children from underage smoking and punish the exchange of money for tobacco for them and not for anyone else or the rest. This is what should be happening and continue to be happening. Not taking advantage of the existence of the law to serve an external purpose of eliminating smoking from the general population to serve and defend everyone’s health, by turning the power that was entrusted to our elected representatives in the form of its abuse against those who elected them and using it against them and their wishes for their punishment for innocent actions that underlie no guilt. A teenager who has just turned 18 or other person turned 21 is fully entitled within his own rights to buy tobacco whether such a law has been voted or not and what’s more, doing so is not guilty for them to do but innocent to carry out, so what is being punished by the proposed legislation? Nothing at all! Just like nothing is being punished when somebody smokes inside buildings as his action is innocent and not guilty of anything or responsible for the same thing, and if tobacco circulated in decorated packets with commercial logos and signs printed on the wrapper, that would not be guilty but innocent to do as well. Those who are in control of what the law says should assume their responsible position and realise that the punishment of the law exists exclusively to prevent crime and other wrongdoing. Not to put them in control of the rest, and make them control the way that society behaves, because society has its own rules, which have become the law, and anything must not be the law or get punished by it if it is not first a social rule that binds all of our social relationships. That is why the state should not legislate in the absence of society, and the smoking ban and all counter-smoking legislation have not been decided upon by society nor have they been voted with the consent of its members, and the majority of the parliament does not identify with the real majority of everyone, which can be estimated more accurately by polls.